Scholarships and Financial Aid
One of the biggest problems for an aviation student is how to finance your education and training. Many students only know about the federal and state financial assistance programs that are open to application by any student; however, there are also a number of scholarships available specifically in an aviation-related major.
A partial listing of such aviation scholarships, compiled by the University Aviation Association, is listed below, along with eligibility criteria and contact information to learn more about the scholarship. There are also links available to aviation organizations with additional scholarships. You are encouraged to apply for any scholarships for which you are eligible in addition to applying for the federal and state financial assistance programs for which you may be eligible. Some colleges and universities may also have scholarships open specifically to the aviation department—contact the financial aid office of the specific college to inquire about such scholarships.
Featured Scholarships
The LeRoy W. Homer Jr. Foundation
The Foundation was founded in memory of LeRoy Homer, First Officer of United Airlines #93 when it crashed in Shanksville, PA on September 11th, 2001. The mission of The LeRoy W. Homer Jr. Foundation is to encourage and support young adults who wish to pursue careers as professional pilots. In addition, The Foundation promotes awareness about aviation careers to disadvantaged youth.
Captain Jason Dahl Scholarship Fund
This fund is created in memory of Captain Jason Dahl with respect toward all victims of the events of 9/11/2001. It supports future generations of pilots, young people yearning to fly, through the award of Aviation Scholarships annually.
Air Line Pilots Association Scholarship
One annual undergraduate scholarship open to children of deceased or medically retired ALPA pilots (not limited to aviation-related major).
Costas Sivyllis ALPA Education Scholarship
Multiple scholarships totaling a value of $10,000 will be awarded to candidates displaying exemplary aviation career goals.
Royal Canadian Air Force Foundation
The RCAF Foundation Student Scholarship is offered to Canada’s next generation of aviation and aerospace leaders. These scholarships are designed to assist post-secondary students in S.T.E.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) areas of study who are planning future careers in the fields of either Aviation or Aerospace.
Scholarships and Deadlines
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Foundation
King Schools/National Association of Flight Instructors
Tuskegee Airmen Scholarship Foundation
Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association
Aircraft Owners & Pilots Association
Grumman Owners & Pilots Association
Professional Women Controllers
Advancing Women Advancing Transportation
Airport Minority Advisory Council
American Association of Airport Executives Scholarships
Astronaut Scholarship Foundation
Experimental Aircraft Association Post-Secondary
National Air Transport Association
Richard L. Collins Writing Scholarship
WTS Central Florida Chapter Scholarships
Aircraft Electronics Association
Aviation Performance Solutions (Upset Recovery Training)
Captain Jason Dahl Scholarship Fund
General Aviation Manufacturers Association
The International Cessna 170 Association
National Aviation Explorer Scholarship
Southwest Airlines Community Scholarship
Air Traffic Controllers Association
Aviation Distributors and Manufacturers Association
Central Florida Business Aviation Association
Chicago Area Business Aviation Association
Costas Sivyllis ALPA Education Scholarship
FAA Technical Women's Organization
National Black Coalition of Federal Aviation Employees
Organization of Black Aerospace Professionals
University Aviation Association/CAE Entry Level Jet
Aviation Youth Empowerment - Bessie Coleman Aerospace Legacy Scholarship
Costas Sivyllis ALPA Education Scholarship
National Association of State Aviation Officials
Northwest Antique Airplane Club
Professional Aviation Maintenance Association
University Aviation Association
Aviation Management Consulting Group
Karen Johnson Solo Scholarship (99s)
Airline Dispatchers Federation
Mooney Aircraft Pilots Association
National Gay Pilots Association
International Aircraft Dealers Association
National Agricultural Aviation Association
Regional Air Cargo Carriers Association
Women in Aviation International
Association for Women in Aviation Maintenance
International Society of Women Airline Pilots
International Council of Air Shows Foundation
National Business Aviation Association Maintenance
Aviation Insurance Association
National Business Aviation Association
Professional Pilots of Tomorrow
Red Tail Scholarship Foundation